understand and have developed Basis of Issue Plan Feeder Data (BOIPFD), Qualitative and Quantitative Personnel Requirements Information (QQPRI), Data Interchange, New Equipment Training Plans (NETPs), Materiel Fielding Plans (MFP), and the relationship between the materiel developer, tester, trainer, supporter and user. ADC personnel have coordinated and managed the successful completion of NET and TPF on a worldwide basis (CONUS/OCONUS). ADC has accomplished NET and Material Fielding for SBCCOM, TACOM, CECOM, PMMEP and USMC New Equipment Training (NET), Total Package Fielding (TPF), Deprocessing, Training Material Development/Updating and Modification application on electronic controlled/assisted computer operated/maintained systems, equipment, assemblies, components, subassemblies and all associated support equipment. ADC has developed computer-aided training material, conducted the initial review at the manufacture’s site, developed the operator and maintainer critical task list, developed training material consisting of POI, Lesson Plan, Trainee Guide, Visual Aids Manual, Critical Task List, CD-ROM, and test Instruments. ADC has successfully accomplished AMT, NET, TPF, Deprocessing, Inventory, Handoff and Modification on the following equipment: